Wednesday 27 January 2010

Transport trouble

It seems that we may have hit a small problem in the form of a minibus, or rather the lack of one.

Not only does it now seem that we're having trouble getting hold of one, but we may not have enough people able to drive it, what with appropriate licenses and all. This leaves us, on the face of it, with some difficult options:

1. Find and maybe even pay for someone to drive us up and back, although it'd probably have to be someone who was willing to spend a whole day wandering around Fort William on their own. Not ideal, but there may be fruit in this.
2. Get the train. Massively expensive, three figures worth of pounds. Each.
3. Drive up in a convoy. Again not ideal because we'd have to do two lots of some considerable driving and climb Nevis within 60 hours. That is, unless we can find a hire car or two and some temporary insurance to share the burden. Even so, it's not the most comfortable journey.

On the other hand, I have a lead or two of my own to follow. Watch this space...

1 comment:

  1. You could extend your trip to include a sponsored bike-ride...
