Friday 26 February 2010


I was alerted by the news of an avalanche on Ben Nevis this week. I also understand that two climbers died in an avalanche on another Scottish mountain.
Obviously this kind of thing is part of the reason why we want to make the climb as close to the end of the football season as possible - We've got better weather but we're still doing it within the football season and as part of the 125th year celebrations. Even so, it's a reminder to me that this isn't just a walk in the park.

In other news... well, there is no other news at present. I haven't made any progress regarding transportation yet, and nothing direct regarding accomodation either. Still, hopefully we'll be able to form an action plan for both over the weekend and make some real progress.


  1. Too right it's not a walk in the park; it's a walk in a very steep, potentially treacherous park.

    An idea: Put your 'just giving' link in your blog's sidebar, and also include it at the end of every post you make. People are less likely to sponsor you if they have to search for the link!

  2. Good point; I shall investigate!

