Sunday 14 February 2010

New Site

Not a site as in a location that I'm hiking to, but a web-site! (See what I did there? Never mind.)

This one is a rather important one though, as it's where I'll be taking online donations for the trip. After much procrastinating, I set it up today:

JustGiving works simply by having people pledge their money through the links provided; it then tells us how much we've raised and gives that money straight to the charity. As various TV meerkats would say: Simples!

As such, I invite and encourage you and all readers of this blog to visit this page, which also has a link to LOROS so that you can see what they're all about and the work that they do. You'll see that it is indeed a very worthwhile cause.

Many thanks!


  1. Gotcha, will start pimping it for you right away! Starting with twitter...

    (I will, of course, make a donation myself sometime soon).

  2. Get a link to this blog up there, and add some pics of your hiking-gear-clad self; make it a bit more personal so people will be more likely to part with their cash!

  3. I've just posted the first photos in an album on Facebook (I've got it working now...)

    But yes, publicity is something I've got to work on over the coming couple of months. Hopefully a few things already in the pipeline though!

  4. I was talking about some more personal photos on the donation page. At the moment there's just a mountain which, whilst a gorgeous view, doesn't open wallets.

  5. You're right, and I'm hoping to bolster this soon with a promotional photograph of us all.
