Monday 5 April 2010

Rutland Water

Thanks to Rob, a group of us headed off to Rutland Water on Saturday to do a long walk in training for the Nevis hike.

I say "thanks" to Rob. Perhaps, "due" would be a better word...

No, I jest! Genuine thanks to Rob for sorting this out as it was a lot of fun, even if it did take a long time and leave us all pretty tired. Besides, since the event itself will require great stamina from us, this made for a good exercise. However, I felt that my shoes rubbed on the balls of my feet that day for some reason, and this wasn't simply a matter of distance because it was happening after just a couple of miles. I'm not quite sure why that happened, but hopefully I can test them out a few more times between now and the end of April to help solve the problem. Anyone who can offer any suggestions, please do!

The walk took us around the edge of Rutland Water in a counterclockwise ring. It was about 19 miles in length, although the walk itself can be stretched into the peninsula in the middle of the reservoir and as such extended by around 7 miles. We didn't do this. Partly because 19 miles was enough and partly because I was paranoid about getting back to the car park by 7:30!

Even so, the weather mostly held off and it turned out to be an excellent technical and social experience - Plus a bit of a confidence boost. After all, this is further horizontally than we would walk doing Nevis itself. Now we just have to work on the vertical bit...

I did take photos of the trip, but unfortunately many turned out poor, and even more unfortunately, the aesthetically rubbish ones were among the ones that turned out well. Such is life. Even so, I present to you below the ones that did actually focus properly, plus one stolen from Steve's camera of the 5 climbers that did the walk.

(Left to right: Tom R, Tom C, Steve, Me, Rob.)

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